This is a hard subject for me to write about. Not because situations are "hard", but because there is SO MUCH going on at any given moment. We are not Dramatic people. Although, we all have our separate families and are at different points in our lives. I guess I give you insight on how each has helped me in the last few months or where they are currently at.
Chy (not shown in the picture, deceased) I still have yet to forgive him.
Nathan and Robyn have given Luke and I a ton of really useful financial advice. They have been 'there' and done 'that'. I am really glad that we can talk to them openly about our wants and needs and get their honest opinions.
Corry and Kele are living with Joshua and Chloe's. She is going to school and helping around the house. Honestly, I don't know more than that. I know that not every day is great.
Joshua and Chloe, I over flowing with happiness whenever I see them. I just can't believe how strong Josh has been. I am so very proud of the things he has done recently.
Joel and Christina are always there to help me up and out of anything. I know I can count on them to be there. It sucks that I have had to rely on them so much lately. But, I am happy that they have been able to be there for me and us.
So, there is the immediate clan in a box... :D