Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Day 6

My 5 Senses Right Now.

Sight (ophthalmoception) - Dimmed sunshine in the bathroom with the light off and the door open so that I can see/hear Dezmond as he sleeps on my bed and, of course, the glow of the computer screen. 
Hearing (audioception) - Blazing Bill counting to 16 and telling Stripes to jump, from Callan's computer. I also hear the hum of my computer fan. I may need to have that looked at. 
Taste (gustaoception) - Green apples and Vanilla Coke. Not a common match. Also, not unpleasant. 
Smell (olfacoception or olfacception) - The slight scent of soft water from my bath. 
Touch (tactioception) - Keys of my computer, warm bath not filled too high, air moving from the fan in my room. 

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