Thursday, May 5, 2011

Greatness comes in Threes

Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember the great things that life throws our way. It definitely makes the hard things easier to pass by when you can see all the great! So, in the past month I have had my share of amazing things. I would like to share just 3 with you.
First of all, my family did not die. Now, this may seem odd to place on here... but, it fits. Luke and I have been spending a lot of time with my family when we could very well be much more needed with the Hardings. On the 13th of April, Jenae and Thames Harding got in a very awful accident. They have been recovering since then. They were not wearing their seat belts and were lucky to get away with their lives. So, yes the holy man/woman upstairs blessed us by not taking them away that day.
Secondly, Toki is still with us as well. We were able to put him on vitamins and he seems to be doing better. He now only has about 1 seizure a day, he is running around the house playing, and his tail speaks his happiness again.
Thirdly, my eyes are filled with love. Love for spring, love for Luke, love for life! yeah, yeah, rose colored glasses.... I know.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Trio

When we were younger you could picture us bouncing about, tackling, pushing, and fighting wherever we were. I am so glad that I have the capability to still have these amazing friends in my life. Yes, we have been through our fair share of ups and downs. But, looking back at it all I would not take anything back.
Below is a High School writing of our everyday lives:

The Mansion


Crashes and bangs are heard throughout the round end, of a long road

little heads peak over fence posts, guarding them from intruders

long sticks become perfect weapons in an epic battle to the death

Inside Territory

The surrounding area sounds of obnoxious 'System of a Down' lyrics sung at the top of little lungs

every abandoned shoe has its own property in which no one wishes to trespass

screams protrude deafeningly when the apposing army gains the lead

game controllers begin to advance through the air

just to come crashing down upon thick skulls

The Fight

Rivals group into pairs to debate the conclusion on the game

limbs tangle and fists fly

pushing and heaving, each attempts to gain top of the totem pole

The After Math

Bundles of bodies lay in heaps on every thinkable surface, to tired to stir

breathing comes heavy, as they lay face down

fruitless attempts to continue the fight build up the silent tension

Take It Outside

Wails erupt from flying silhouettes against the sunset

jump after jump, gaining air as they take off

a sudden renewed disagreement breaks out

every soul leaps to get in on the action

grass stains glide carelessly over dirty jeans

crash and bangs are heard throughout the round end, of a long road