So, here’s our engagement story....
The sunday after christmas I was lazy and quite upset with Luke. I was upset that “Santa” had only gotten me clothes that I had picked out for myself. And yet we still seemed to not have any money left over from his Christmas bonus. Luke and I were lounging on the couch wasting the day away.
“Go get ready,” Luke commanded excitedly.
“Why, would I get ready it’s Sunday. We aren’t going to do anything today.” I whined.
“Just go get ready.”
I hopped in the shower and took as long as I possibly could to bug him. When I got out and was elegantly disheveling my hair, Luke came in.
“I need you to find something in the dungeon for me.”
I stared blankly at him as if he had just told me to climb Mt Everest within the next few minuets.
“What are you talking about?” I asked him frustrated.
“I need you to find something in the dungeon for me, when you find it, come find me.” He smiled.
“What?! Why are you putting your shoes on?” He just smiled. “Where are you going?!”
“See you in a bit.” He kissed my cheek and skipped out the front door into the cold. I stared blankly at the closed door for a while trying to compile what he was on about. Giving up I walked into the middle of the messy dungeon. I turned about looking at the mess of cords, boxes, and unkempt Christmas goods. Growing angry I tossed some miscellaneous things about.
“What in the HELL am I looking for?! UGH!” I grumbled to myself. I treaded out of the thicket of plastic and metal. I rummaged throughout the house searching for my phone. Once found I sent a message to Luke again asking how I was to find something that I did not know what I was looking for.. It did not take him long to respond. My guess is that he knew I wound need help. He gave me a few hints. I was reluctant to oblige....
Finally I asked, “Is whatever I am looking for I a box?” I was concerned that I would have to find it in the closet, EW!
He responded with, “The ring box, is in a box.” Needless to say I freaked out and started tearing the room apart. Still unable to find it I relayed to Luke again. It took me two more hints and about 5 mins to find it.
The final hint he gave me was, “It is in something that I like to work on.” There was only one computer in the room so from there is was quite easy. I still had to unscrew the case of the computer to be allowed access inside. As soon as the metal casing fell away I spotted the small red box laying peacefully inside.... I tore it harshly from its sanctuary and ran for the door. I am still surprised that I managed to remember my shoes...
Toki and I hunted for Luke for the next 10 minuets in the back yard. I knew that he would not go far away from home without the car.
Then I thought that he may have wanted to see me struggle. I ran up to the neighbors back door upstairs. There he was sitting in the stairwell with a conniving smile on his face. I jumped at him and told him that he was a turd for listening to me rip his dungeon apart.
Luke gently too the still closed box from my hand and got down on one knee. I’m sure you all know what happened then.
As we were talking back to the house he gave me a disgruntled look and said, “You didn’t have to say yes to quickly... I still thought that you were going to deny me.” He continued to tell me that he was concerned that I was going to find the ring and run away with it.