Friday, January 6, 2017

Challenge 2 Day 6

Why I love my husband.

He has the ability to treat relationships with care and kindness. It's innate in him. He constantly shows me wider perspectives. Luke helps me strive to be a better person. I love knowing that he will always have my back. Everyday, I find something new to love him for. For example, he has been helping me shift through the house since the 2nd to TRY and find my wedding ring. In the process, he has cleaned the floors, couch, and closet. I wish there were more hours in a day to spend with him.

Photo Day 6

Low Angle

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Challenge 2 Day 5

5 things that irritate me about the opposite sex.

1. Inability to read my mind. Specifically, when I don't know what I want.
2. Lack of multitasking skills.
3. Mansplaining anything.
4. Recalling specifics better then me.
5. Ability to make issues seem small. (only because I am jealous)

Photo Day 5

High Angle

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Challenge 2 Day 4

What do I wear to bed.

Usually a tank top with pajama bottoms. Honestly, I've been wear my PJs around the house because we have been sick so long.

Photo Day 4


Guesses as to what this one is?

(Jenae's Knitting, not mine) and a white dog hair. wonder who's that is....

Tuesday, January 3, 2017